1.1 List 10 sign of learner who experiences barriers in mathematics
1.2 explain intervention strategies for learners who experiences barriers in mathematics list 10
1.3 explain the intervention strategies for learners who experiences barriers in reading list 10
Has trouble following spoken directions, especially ones with multiple phases.
Requests that the teacher or instructor repeat what they've said on a regular basis.
He or she is easily distracted, especially by noises in the background or unexpected noises.
Has problems with reading and spelling, both of which necessitate a high level of comprehension.
Has trouble discriminating between critical and less specific instructions.
Parents have a responsibility to keep a careful eye on their children and seek medical advice concerning their child's laterality problem. I, for example, have a hearing difficulty.
Talking with the class instructor to figure out how to aid the child, such as providing early and timely support.
Making an appointment with a pediatrician who specializes in learning disabilities.
1.2.2 Relationship in space
By stacking and then emptying objects, they may literally explore and engage with the objects while also growing their spatial relationship.
Giving them the freedom to explore on their own – giving them the freedom to do things on their own can help them develop an inner spatial motive for objects and their surroundings. Playing spatial games – such as football and other sports – can help them develop an inner spatial motive for objects and their surroundings.
2.1 writing is one of the essential skills at school. When learners struggle to write, teachers get frustrated. Describe how you can identify learners who experience barriers to writing.
2.2 There are specific guidelines that may assist learners in mastering the skills of written language. In light of this statement, describe five intervention strategies to provide support to learners in developing their writing skills.
copy-pasting - giving the child a sample text to copy-pasting through handwriting.
consistency in revise and write - helping the child to read what has been written and correct where possible
Teacher- learner monetization - having frequent progress checks on learner writing progress helps figure out the writing challenges in the learner.
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